Welcome to the Party.
Cobson is a Soyjak based on Job Smith from the 1992 Sci-Fi slow burn, esoteric, thought provoking, kafkaesque film "The Lawnmower Man"[a][5]. Cobson's features include 2 thick eyebrows, irises on the eyes, a well-kept stubble, an average sized forehead, and a masculine facial structure. It first arose in the middle of 2021, where it quickly gained a controversial reputation. A lot of soyjak critics at the time derided this soyjak as coal[6][7][8] and most didn't really care about it, though a minority of critics saw it as very gemmy and dubbed it a "God tier wojack"[9]. However, a critical reevaluation soon followed after Cobson stole the 10 millionth GET on /s4s/.[10] Along with 2 of the most popular music artists on the Sharty, 6ixϪhrembo[11] and David Thoughie, being Cobsons themselves, Cobson is now widely dubbed by soyjak critics as one of the greatest soyjaks of all time, and some even deem him to be the G.O.A.T, though there is still a minority of critics that still think that he is coal. This critical appreciation led Cobson to win Ϫ Oscars, 13 Emmys, a 9.8 rating on IMDB, a 9.5 rating on MyAnimeList, 6 stars on Letterboxd, and a 14.88/10 rating on RateYourMusic.[it just is, ok?] However, with Cobson's newfound popularity, some more malicious forces decided to use this "God tier wojack" for their own deranged purposes. Some trannies decided to make QoS edits of innocent Cobson, and the heretical belief that he is a "slut for BBC" soon emerged among the sharty's transgender population. Along with edits of Cobson depicting him as a child rapist called Rapeson[12][13][14], his reputation became tainted among soyteens. He is still mostly regarded as a gem doebeit, and a bone-chilling, spine-tinging, genre-redefining vidya game called Five Nights at Cobson's has been recently announced to have been in the works by renowned game developer Froot Cawthon and his team.Text
The Soy Cabal is an international secret organization of soy boys with the aim of maintaining, spreading and hiding their existence using methods such as mass astroturfing and crypto-brainwashing. The Cabal aims to normalize soy behaviour so that World citizens would find it imperceptible. As of 2023, only a select few individuals are able to recognize soy boys (Scientists believe "soy-knowing" is achieved after a series of certain intellectual discoveries, however they have not been able to determine exactly which ones, so They can't censor them; several studies have also determined a correlation between soy-knowing and Chadism).The Soy Cabal is deeply involved with the psychiatric industry (many psychiatrists are soyboys), and they have collaborated to invent mental illnesses such as schizophrenia with which they diagnose soy-knowers to discredit them in the eyes of the non-knowing masses, and thus prevent the truth from spreading. They gaslight soy-knowers and have assassinated particularly dangerous individuals in the past. Soy-knowers try to counteract by calling out soyboys, often by using soyjaks and soyquoting online, where they can have a degree of anonymity: this way they hope to redpill people who are closer to soy-knowing, as well as to mock and confront soyboys.While the Soy Cabal is quite powerful, it is directly subordinate to and takes orders from several other more powerful entities.

soyjaks have changed a lot over their relatively short stay on the internet, they've been fashioned many ways, posted by many people. to imply every soyjak poster is as anti-scientific as the originals is dumb. yeah, soyjaks were made to mock nintendo switch adults and men who eat soy. but you dont ACTUALLY believe soy is bad for you, right? if you do, you're just retarded and anti-science. i love posting soyjaks because i think they're funny. i think its funny to copy the text someone just wrote, then put the funny face next to it. not everyone here is /fit/fags mocking 'soyboy cucks'. maybe that makes me a soyboy cuck or a 'newGOD', im pretty sure i've been here longer than you, but if i asked you a date you'd probably lie anyway. maybe i just got baited, or maybe i'm wrong but either way i hope you understand people like spic fuentes and 'alpha males' deserve to be mocked. he's retarded, and so are boomers, and so are you.

Operation Times Square Takeover was a failed plan by soyteens to use TSX to post a soyjak video ad. Although originally plans were going well, snitches worked to foil the plan. The plan was to simply just get a soyjak on the billboard for the allotted 15 seconds, which was believed to be pretty easy to do, as Twitter users were able to get Friday Night Funkin' and other content there.[1] A few 'teens tried to get a videos of Nikocado Avocado and dancing swede.[2] A couple hours before the videos were to air, a snitch e-mailed TSX and asked them to take down the videos, in which they obliged. This same user then made a large amount of posts about it. A short while later, this snitch successfully got TSX to 'nish any soyjak video from being approved due to being "alt-right."[3]The snitch is widely believed to be from Discord, due to certain Discord users derailing other raids within the past couple of weeks.DOLL makes an attempt.
DOLL later attempted to post his own videos. In an attempt to thwart the snitch, DOLL would not say what the video's content would be, nor what time it would be posted. A few other soyteens attempted to get extremely mundane videos posted, but TSX, using the words of the snitch, would cancel and refund every single video that contained a soyjak, all for "hateful content."Afterwards, some soyteens gave up and DOLL said that he would attempt to rent a billboard in the midwest instead and also pay for a cameo.com video.[4] A few soyteens also e-mailed TSX explaining the situation, but they never responded to any of them.
Ever since the 'sharty's creation, frogs have always been a prevalent minority, perhaps the biggest non-soy minority group, their presence in the soysphere going back to the times of the /qa/. Many frogposters believed themselves to be a part of soy culture due to their coexistence with soyteens which they believed gave them a distinct identity from the rest of 4chan which was either dismissive or hostile of /qa/ culture. Soytorians[it just is, ok?] have identified many songs from popular soy folklore that paint an image of frogs and soyteens coexisting in harmony for many years before tensions started.

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